Junior Aquathlon

Swim: 150m | Run: 1km


Location: Pezoula Beach, in the village of Kalyvia

Athletes: 6 – 12 ετών

Awards: Age Categories Boys – Girls (6-7, 8-9, 10-12)

Swim: 150m

The swimming segment takes place at Pezoula Beach, in the village of Kalyvia. The start will be from within the water. Athletes will pass the next two buoys in a clockwise direction, heading toward the first buoy, which serves as the starting point. The start and finish are at the same location.
Loop: 1

Run: 1km

After exiting the transition zone, athletes turn left onto the dirt road that runs alongside the lake and through lush green trees. Following the signage, they reach the turnaround point for their specific race category, from where they return to the transition zone by following the reverse route.

Loop: 1

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