Sprint Triathlon

SWIM: 750m | BIKE: 24km | RUN: 5km
The cycling takes place on an asphalt road, while the running takes place on a dirt road.

Individual & Relay
Cut Offs: Swim= 0:35h, Swim+Bike = 2:30h

29 JUNE 2025

Location: Pezoula Beach, in the village of Kalyvia

Athletes: 16+

Awards: Age categories for Men & Women (+16-19, 20-24,, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50 -54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, +70)
Relay: Men/Mixed (teams consisting only of men or mixed teams with men and women), Women (women-only teams), and Corporate.

Race info

Transition Zone

Swim: 750m

The swim takes place at Pezoula Beach, in the village of Kalyvia. The start will be from within the water. Athletes will pass clockwise around the next three buoys (1,2,3) to complete the 750m course. Buoy #4 serves as a marker, and athletes can pass it on either the right or left side. The start and finish points are the same.

Loop: 1

Bike: 20km (Elevation Gain: 178m)

After exiting the transition zone, athletes turn left onto the municipal road leading to Kalyvia. At the intersection with the Mesénikolas – Fylakti ring road, they turn left towards the dam until reaching Turnaround Point A. They then reverse direction and return towards Kalyvia, where they reach Turnaround Point B. After completing the turnaround, they head back to Turnaround Point A, beginning their second cycling loop.

The distance between the two turnaround points is completed four times (4 loops), with Turnaround Point B marking the completion of each loop. After finishing all four loops, athletes return to the transition zone by following the reverse route. Athletes must follow the course markings and adhere to traffic regulations. All turnarounds are left turns.

Loop: 2

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Run: 5km (Elevation Gain: 69m) 

After exiting the transition zone, athletes turn left onto a dirt road that runs alongside the lake, surrounded by lush green trees. Following the course markings, they reach the turnaround point and then return to the transition zone and finish line by following the reverse route.

Loop: 1

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