Run 10km (elevation: 150m)
The race starts from the Iroon Square. The Athletes run along Papadopoulou Avenue heading towards the eastern side of the island. The athletes pass outside of the stadium and at the intersection, they turn right on Porous-Temple of Poseidon avenue. After having passed the small bridge, they turn left on Lambrakis coastal road heading straight up to the 5km U turning back point. Afterwards, the athletes return back running on Lambrakis road, right at the intersection at the end of the road, heading towards the finish line. Prior to the finish line, Athletes have to follow the path on the right*, which is the pedestrian walkway by the boats (Attention: the left path leads to the finish line). At this point they have completed the first 5km. They continue towards the eastern side of the island, performing the same route for a second time performing, with the only difference that this time they stay on the left side of the road* which leads to the finish line
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